A Prayer for the New Year: Renewing Our Commitment to Justice, Equity, and Reconciliation
The beginning of a new year is an opportunity to renew our commitment to justice, equity, and reconciliation. Antiracism work is not only about addressing systemic inequalities but also about examining and transforming our own hearts and minds. Through prayer, we seek God’s guidance to foster humility, courage, and wisdom as we strive to reflect Christ’s love in all that we do. As we begin this new year, you are invited to pause for a few minutes to pray the following prayer:
Gracious God,
As the dawn of this new year rises, we turn to You with open hearts and minds. We are humbled by Your unending grace, inspired by Your call to justice, and eager to walk in the way of love.
Reflection on Humility
Emmanuel, help us to approach the work of antiracism with humility. Reveal to us the biases we hold—both known and unknown. Let us confess the ways we have been complicit in systems of oppression and seek forgiveness from those we have harmed.
Reflection on Courage
Give us the courage to speak out against injustice, even when it is uncomfortable. Strengthen our resolve to stand with the marginalized and oppressed, and remind us that Your Spirit emboldens us to be agents of transformation in the world.
Reflection on Wisdom
Grant us wisdom to discern the steps we must take individually and as a community. Illuminate our path with Your Word and teachings, and guide us to reflect deeply on the voices of those who have been silenced or ignored.
We dedicate this year to You, O Divine Creator, committing to the hard but holy work of antiracism. Transform us into vessels of Your peace and instruments of Your justice. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.