CCORR Webinar - Gathering of Chairs of Conference Committees on Religion and Race
Join GCORR on March 26th, 10:00 am-11:00 am EST for a webinar for Conference Committees on Religion and Race chairs!
The goal of this webinar is to gather together so we can educate chairs on Article V - the article on racial justice approved at General Conference held in 2024.
Rev. Denise Sears, Director of Leadership Development and Accountability from the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women, will also join us to educate chairs on Article IV - the article on gender justice also approved at General Conference held in 2024.
This time of education and inquiry is vital as both articles will be voted on by all annual conferences in our global connection this year to be added to our United Methodist Church's Constitution in the Book of Discipline.
Register via the button below - we look forward to being with you!