Roll Down, Justice! A Lenten Biblical Reflection

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Lent, a period of 40 days of reflection between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday, offers Christians an opportunity to renew their commitment to being more Christ-like.

This Lenten Biblical Reflection, Roll Down, Justice!, written by Faye Wilson and featuring the music and reflections of Mark A. Miller, poses the following questions to believers:

  • What are you prepared to give in order to have a closer walk with God?

  • What can you give in order to embrace anew the work of justice?

Mark Miller has written a collection of songs, lyrics and music, which remind us of the work we have to do. We all learn in different ways and this study calls us to sing to ourselves and to each other the call that we each have to do to “seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.” Carry the commitment to care – to bring about justice in God’s world – as a song in your heart. Roll Down, Justice!

This Lenten Biblical Reflection, Roll Down, Justice!, is based on six songs* that are included in the book/CD set Roll Down, Justice! – Sacred Songs and Social Justice. The songs in this Lenten series are offered as six videos, and each video includes a guide for study:

*Words and music are written by Mark A. Miller, except for I Choose Love (words by Lindy Thompson), God Has Work for Us to Do (words by Carl Daw), and The Day is Coming (words by Laurie Zelman). Produced by The Choristers Guild, the songbook/cd set may be purchased at:


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